Meet our speakers!

Kostiantyn Korsun

Ewerson Guimaraes

Ali Huseyn Aliyev
Eduard Kiiko

Danial Zhuravchak

Ricardo Fajin

Oksana Safronova

Serhii Korolenko

Bohdan Lukin

Andrii Kudyurov

Nadia Klymenko
Ihor Bliumental
Kyrylo Horbenyak

Oleksiy Svedenyuk

Vitalii Susukailo

Vladimir Taratushka

Vlad Styran
We would like to continue the best traditions of the AppSec Conferences and divide the event into the workshops and the conference, which are to be held in two separate days.
Stream 1
KYRYLO HORBENYAK (Security Analyst , Berezha Security)
From Zero to Hero in Web Application Security Testing with OWASP
IHOR BLIUMENTAL (OWASP Kyiv Chapter Leader, Co-founder at NoNameCon, AppSec Lead at Berezha Security)
GraphQL Security Testing
VLAD STYRAN (OWASP Kyiv Chapter Leader,Co-founder at NoNameCon, Co-founder at Berezha Security)
Tactical Offensive Reporting
Stream 2
VITALII SUSUKAILO, OLEKSIY SVEDENYUK (Information Security Officer, Digitally Inspired), (Information Security Consultant, ELEKS)
Power of Azure Log Analytics
DANIAL ZHURAVCHAK, EDUARD KIIKO (Senior DevOps Operational Intelligence Engineer, EPAM Systems), (DevOps Operational Intelligence Engineer, EPAM Systems)
Boss of The SOC
Pentest + Social Engineering = Always Win. Complete guide for testing human factor.
WORKSHOPS will be held in the Ciklum office: 111 Shevchenka Str., Lviv
Conference Opening
Kostiantyn Korsun
#FRDv2.0: new adventures
Ewerson Guimaraes
Some Burp Kung-Fu
Coffee break #1
Ali Huseyn Aliyev
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) under the microscope, attack techniques
Eduard Kiiko and Danial Zhuravchak
Threat Hunting: DNS security
Ricardo Fajin
Using Frida in Mobile Pentest Android
Oksana Safronova
Normal activity detected
Serhii Korolenko
Web vulnerabilities. In and out half an hour.
Bohdan Lukin
Attacking Active Directory in examples
Coffee break #2
Andrii Kudyurov Doing OWASP ASVS audit for released products: pros, cons and a slight pain
Nadia Klymenko
Approaches to keep your privacy
Conference Closure
CTF and Hacker party
Buy Tickets
Conference tickets price
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
- Workshop Access on October 4
Regular ticket
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
- Workshop Access on October 4
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
- Workshop Access on October 4
Workshop - From Zero to Hero in Web Application Security Testing with OWASP
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
Workshop - GraphQL Security Testing
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
Workshop - Tactical Offensive Reporting
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
Workshop - Power of Azure Log Analytics
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
Workshop - Boss of The SOC
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
Workshop - Pentest + Social Engineering = Always Win. Complete guide for testing human factor.
- Workshop Access
- Access to conference sessions, practical demos
- Lunch and two coffee-breaks
- hacking villages and CTF
24-26 Staroznesenska Str., Lviv
!FESTrepublic is a city within the city. It’s a new modern space, located just after the Znesinnya Park near Zamkova Hill. It’s a 20 minute walk from Rynok Square. A number of festivals, parties, themed events take place as well as top DJs and Ukrainian bands perform here.
Check our photos from the recent events
Platinum Partners
Gold Partners
General Partners
Information Partners
Become a partner
- What is OWASP?
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide non-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software.
- OWASP Ukraine?
OWASP Ukraine Meetup have place once a year every year. We would like to continue the best traditions of the AppSec Conferences and divide the event into the workshops and the conference, which are to be held in two separate days.
- Who should attend it?
The conference will be a meeting place for security experts and researchers, developers and QA-engineers, business owners and security managers. Or anyone who cares about security.
- What's included in the ticket?
Access to conference sessions, practical demos and worksops. Lunch and two coffee-breaks.
- Can I attend it as a partner or speaker?
- Any info about your previous events?
Hosted by OWASP Lviv
OWASP Ukraine 2019 is a joint event organized together by four Ukrainian chapters: Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro and Kharkiv.